Saturday, May 22, 2010

How Far is TOO Far?

Can a person take recycling too far? 
It's important, is it not, to do our part to save the earth from too much plastic in our landfills.  Is there a huge difference between being responsible and being, uh, over the top?
 Does this tote bag put me in the latter category?
If you think it does, perhaps I shouldn't post the pictures of the ones I made from the birdseed bags, or the extra Tyvec the carpenters were going to throw away last summer..............
huh?  perhaps?


*karendianne. said...

No way man. As long as it's not filled with leftovers from the litter box, I'm cool with it!

Susan Freebery said...

I'm not saying anything here. My gosh. Not one little word. NOpe. Nothing.............