We have been having so many Internet problems lately that I never know if I'll be able to sign on or not. And it's different stuff all the time! Little things like a tree falling down and hitting the antenna during the December snowstorms didn't affect it as much as a mouse nibbling on the wires. Why do they do that? Do cables and plastic and copper wire REALLY taste that great? And just what was our brainless dog doing when the rodentia were near the cables outside nibbling? Chasing some birds out of the spilled sunflower seeds? Hey, good job Kona! ARRRRRR and then there were the other 3 times lately when none of the cable guys were really sure WHY it wasn't working. sigh sigh sigh. What is an Internet addicted girl to do then?
SCULPEY clay to the rescue!
Little nothings, for no particular reason, except they are fun to play with.
I made the cupcake for my oldest, and sadly, cupcake obsessed- daughter. The little green apple was for daughter number 2 who is a teacher. They kinda look like candy don't they?
How about that teeny Robins nest? I know, it looks a bit like candy doesn't it? hmmmmm
What should I make next? Ideas people!! Give me ideas!!!