The blocks, not the opinions. Why did I ever think I would like anything that I put orange in???? I should KNOW better by now!
Well, enough of THAT. Here are some very antique blocks that I inherited from my mother in law, who found them in her mothers cedar chest. These were most likely made by my mother in laws, grandmother! Now how cool is that?
Here is the pile of bow tie blocks. Keep in mind, the fabrics are very old, and not wonderful by any means. There are stains, and since they are all hand pieced there are a few different sizes.
Suggestions!!!! PLEASE!!!
Do I border them all with unbleached muslin, since that won't fight with them, and then square them all to the same size and sew them together that way? I hate to cut into them at all, I mean they are a treasure after all. I'm thinking it will just be a wallhanging size anyway since the fabrics aren't really sturdy enough anymore to be used. But I feel like this woman, whom I never knew, might like me to do something with them. I mean heavens, she pieced some of the bow tie centers when the scraps were obviously not big enough!!!
okay, go for it. Let me know what you think, and if anyone has done something like this tell me ALL about it. As you can see from the first photo, I have several more piles to go through!
Your plan is EXACTLY what the blocks deserve - need. Keep it as simple as possible. You will honor her with a gorgeous wallhanging. :)
Hello and thank you for visiting my blog! I am getting ready to start my first quilt, a strip one to keep it simple. Wish me luck, I need it! :-)
By the way, I love that you are using antique quilt blocks! What are you using to get them to hang on the wall like that?
Ahhhhh.... you asked so I must respond.... but here is the thing. If you use unbleached muslin, then I fear that the tan of the bow ties will get lost... That was my first thought and you know me, I just spew what I think. Sorry. Maybe a nice light sage green. Green works as a wonderful nuetral and there doesn't seem to be much green in those blocks, so maybe that would work....
Ummm......whatever you do I would do a solid. Tan, muslin, a color - this will be a treasure when it is done!
Hey, how's the recovery coming along? I've been thinking about you and checked in a couple times, but no new post yet. What are you up to (besides no good!!)?
Hi Mare, what fun blocks to have and treasure. I suspect the fabric is alot strong than you realize. Most often black seems to be what gets brittle and cracks along the thread lines. I think using a lattice would even out the sizes. You could adjust that with it being too obvious I think. Or you could turn the blocks to form what they called a "love ring", like the letter O. Then no lattice is needed. Maybe a border and it would be good to go. I've had several sets of older blocks, including over 170 bowtie blocks from an elderly Aunt. I know all too well how their pieced...LOL Good luck with them. Hugs, Finn
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