Monday, October 15, 2012

Delicious Autumn

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.” 
George Eliot

My dad has entered the hospice phase of his life so I have been going to visit at least once a week.

He is about an hour and 45 minutes from where I live so it's a fairly good drive.

This autumn has been fantastic for color.
These were taken a few weeks ago.

I love the green and red in these trees.

I really want to walk down this field lane
 In some ways it's a little strange going through this phase of his life with him.  It's all so new and uncharted, but it's also comforting in many ways.  Being able to show and tell him how much he is loved and thought of.  It seems the very definition of bittersweet to me.
None of these are dads, he is hanging in there, and his attitude is really wonderful
He and my mother live at the Veterans Home in King WI

The Veterans cemetery is really beautiful and peaceful, just like one should be.  You can see part of the buildings in the compound in the background here.

On Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and the Fourth of July, dozens of volunteers come very early and put American flags on every grave.  It's very amazing and beautiful.  Then they quietly come back in the evening and take them all down.
 This of course, is every one's favorite.  I've seen veteran dog memorials on line, but this one is special because it's here.


Heather A said...

Just sending you a big old virtual hug. Your post was a sweet little reflective autumn tour and very touching. I lost my Dad 9 years ago and miss him very much.

Jeanne said...

Beautiful photos! I wish the colored leaves would stay on the trees a bit longer. Thanks for sharing.

Susan Freebery said...

Your dad was very blessed to have you. Thinking of you...