Sunday, February 24, 2008


Updates now available!

First I am going to apologize up-front. I have had to enable that annoying word verification for my comments because I have been getting some spam comments. Please comment anyway, I love to read them!
Now to catch up on some pictures. First, we have a sewing machine sweater. See it gets pretty cold in Wisconsin so I need to keep my baby warm! oh, and keeping the dust and cat hairs off it is a good idea too. I found a nice red cotton sweater at Goodwill and it became this! Then the sleeves became water bottle sweaters.

Now we have my personal sting block of the month. I started in October and used up some Halloween strings to make a big block and decided to keep going and do a monthly theme. January is much brighter there than I actually felt! ;-)

Next is Valentines Day! Here we have some vintage Valentines that my husband framed for me. And a Heart block that I won several years ago at one of our guild meetings when a woman who owned a bead store came to talk to us about beading.

The crocheted cloth underneath was made for my mother by a dear friend of hers.

Now we have the wine quilt I've4 been yammering on about. I still have to take pictures of the wine bottle blocks I did for a matching wallhanging.

And here is the perfect border fabric that leaped into my waiting arms the other day at the quilt shop! How could I NOT get this stuff???

Here are some leftovers that needed to be sewn together. I think it looks like salt water taffy, and I want to add more to it! (or eat it)

And here are two of my girls. I love it when they are being friends!

And last we have the psycho cat. How do you suppose he twists himself around like that? And, better question........... why?

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Well, I have been tagged by Cheri - you can visit her here...

I'm supposed to list 7 things about myself.
Only 7............
1. I have a tattoo- I call it my decorative embroidery, it's a vine around my right ankle. When I got it done I took my oldest daughter along- she was going into 8th grade and at that moment I was the coolest mom in the universe. Oh how times do change!

2. I have a marksman medal from shooting an M16 rifle, even though I didn't finish the ROTC program. Shoot, pardon the pun, that thing looks waaaaaaaaaaay scarier now that I am 44 than it did when I was 18!

3. I like peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches.

4. I still have my Barry Manilow tapes, and I still listen to them.

wasn't he a heart throb? sigh..............

5. I'm afraid of buoys, you know those floaty things that mark the area where you can't boat or swim.
Now I must go delete this picture from my files. It's giving me the willies!

6. I have Hobbit feet, they are wide and flat, and my toes are hairy.

My legs however, get shaved on a regular basis, so they don't look quite as bad as this little guys!

7. I'm basically low maintenance except for coffee. I must have my coffee, and it must be GOOD coffee. Really good coffee starts with fresh ground beans, which is why I have a coffee maker that grinds them seconds before it brews them.
Life is good!

there, I did my tag, I always really sucked at playing tag as a kid too.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Well it's been almost 24 hours since we got more snow! Yippee!
Of course the temperature is not much to yippee about. But, I have the chance to be inside, warm and cozy and learning how our new computer does EVERYTHING differently than the old one. I like the new tricks, I just don't always want to learn them. My next trick, I hope, will be figuring out how to download my pictures. Then everyone will be sorry I waited so long! ;-)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Winter, Winter, Winter

This is the usual sight at our house this winter. Jim bundled up like an eskimo plowing us out......

Winter time in Wisconsin!
It's winter time in Wisconsin
And the gentle breezes blow
Seventy miles an hour
At twenty-five below.
Oh, how I love Wisconsin
When the snow's up to your butt
You take a breath of winter
And your nose gets frozen shut.
Yes, the weather here is wonderful
So I guess I'll hang around
I could never leave Wisconsin

'Cause I'm frozen to the ground!

Sadly I cannot take credit for that one, it's been making the email rounds this winter here in Wisconsin, I even got it from my blog sister in Florida!
My friends in warmer climates might think this is just a funny little poem, but it's actually the truth.
Those of my cold weather friends who are suffering with me, I have this question~ You know that neat crunchy sound your boots make on fresh snow?

I'm SICK of that sound! Does this make me a cold weather wimp?
Normally I'm not a wimp,
okay, there is the whole spiders-snakes-rodents-bats thing, but that's not the same as being wimpy. I grew up in northern Wisconsin, where it was not unusual to have snow banks as high as the power lines, and several weeks of sub zero weather. So what is wrong with me this winter? Why am I not just enjoying the cold (read that frigid) temperatures and the fact that the mosquitos have all finally gone dormant, and there isn't any grass that needs cutting? Gosh, am I getting old? Maybe if I get out some spring looking fabrics and start (yet another) quilt? Yes, that must be what I need........ off to my sewing room!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Start them young!

Isn't this the cutest little quilter you ever saw? I think I should make her a shirt that says "future quilter". Her mommy is letting her watch the pin-basting process, but then she has to go by someone else when the machine is actually running. I wish it was ME she could go snuggle with!

Still no camera hook up so no pictures of the wine quilt or my bottle blocks. I haven't gotten much more done on them for more than a week anyway, I had a killer cold that knocked me out of comission but I'm pretty sure I will live now and soon will get back to the sewing room. In the meantime the sewing room with the door shut is a nice COLD place to store the fruit from our last fundraiser. Of course it's not so nice to sew in a room the temperature of a refrigerator!