Monday, May 21, 2007


The past week has been so busy for me! I had family camping, I quit my job, got a new job, helped move two daughters home from college, and now started my new job.

I know that sounds so frivolous, but I have been job hunting for almost 4 months, and I got to the point where I had to quit whether I had something or not. Right after that I had a GREAT interview and got the job the same day. Whew!!!

At family camping I presented my sister in law and her husband with their wedding quilt. I know it's hard to see the blocks in this picture but it's so pretty outside!
Now we are trying to make room for two college students and their stuff. I cannot for the life of me figure out how they could fit all this stuff into half of a dorm room, and we can't fit it into a 2 story house!


Annie said...

Congradulations on the new job!! Love the quilt also - love blues.

Carole said...

Congradulations on your new employment! Sometimes you just need to quit for the respect of the self! Ask me how I know! lol Nice quilt! Enjoy the summer with your daughters. Keep well!

atet said...

Oh, the quilt is lovely -- and it looks right at home outside. Congrats on the new job too -- I know what it's like to just HAVE to quit the old one, even before you have a new one.

As for the "stuff" -- it's magic stuff. It immediately expands when it gets to mom and dad's house and will not shrink again until they are back at school. (or at least, that's what I told my parents when they complained about my stuff over the summer)

swooze said...

Great quilt! Ahhhh college and dorm life. I remember those days of packing and hauling back and forth!

Kim said...

Congrats on the new job!

Susan Freebery said...

Space issues! From Florida to Wisconsin - it is all relative! Love the quilt, it is so beautiful. Your color choices are gorgeous.

Quilter Kathy said...

Congratulations on the new job!
And also on that beautiful quilt!
Hope your camping trip was warmer than mine!!