Obviously I LOVE this idea and though I have been known to bring stuff, I've been known to take my full share too! I got all these cool magazines last Thursday night, along with a bag pattern- because of course being the bag lady that I am I really needed another bag pattern to go with the 81 or so I already have. I also spotted that bag of netting which I thought would be cool to use in gift bags or something like that. The star blocks were the batch I won during the block lotto! yeah! I have some ideas for those little blue babies, but they are going to have to sit on the back burner for a while as I have a plethora of projects both on the board and in my head. And, yes, that is a wooden shoe. That was also on the sharing table. People chuckled over it, and wondered why it was there and went past it to the fabrics and magazines. I did too. At first. But I kept going back and looking at the silly thing.
See I passed it up at first because I actually have my own set of wooden shoes. Yup, those ones there, made in Holland Michigan in the 70's when I was a teenager. Don't do the math, as Flori would say, it's not important.
I had read somewhere that they make good garden shoes, and since my mother was a master gardener I got her a pair, and when they came I thought they looked so cool
(this was the 70's
Well, I have to say- it called to me. I could use it for SOMEthing! I could put a plant in it.... or put something cute and dutch in it for a present- tulip bulbs and Dutch chocolate come to mind........... gosh the possibilities are endless! I sort of wish there had been a second one I have so many ideas now!
Make it into a pincushion!
Brilliant!! A Paul Bunyan pincushion!!
You need to keep it for Sinter Klaas to fill. :)
even MORE brilliant!
Well - I like it. I don't know what I would do either - but it will always be a great conversation starter.
I had some of those once. Unfortunately I was so fast they overheated and caught fire.
I still have the nightmares.
I think the wooden shoes are cool! I had brought a pair for DS when he was young (and we were in Holland MI) but somewhere along the line...they didn't make a move! His were small and would have been a fun pincushion!
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